Artist Statement
Capturing colorful reefs, octopus personalities and movement in sculpture with a high level of detail.
As an artist and sculptor I am constantly inspired by the natural world, specifically octopus and coral reefs.
The gracefulness and intelligence of the octopus have fascinated me for a long time. I constantly strive to capture a sense of their unique and fluid movement in my work.
Our planet's coral reefs present us with a stunning symphony of vibrant colors, textures and an incredible diversity of forms. The intricate and interwoven balances of reefs and their seemingly never-ending rhythmic pulse of pure life provides a major source of awe and inspiration for me.
It is a joyful challenge to try to depict something so delicate and wonderful as coral, this subject has been pushing me to explore different materials and techniques and develop a method that allows me to come ever closer to my vision. At the same time I am developing a deeper appreciation for older, historical techniques and materials, as well as the beauty and intricacy of nature itself.
Throughout my artwork, I aim to depict the sophisticated nature of Octopus and the delicate beauty of coral.
My sculptures are built on top of a strong, complex armature (skeleton) I create from wire, mesh and epoxy reinforced materials. The sculpture's body can consist of a variety of clays such as grades of polymers and types of apoxie clays, which are chosen based on their characteristics as needed.
Some pieces include vintage porcelain or other objects. Works are finished with a wide range of specialty pigments, paints and a variety of other materials including fabrics, thread or silver wire, glass beads, driftwood, seagrass, shells, pearls, crystals, resin and varnishes.
Discovering The Octopus
My fascination with octopuses began in 2017 when I was researching several Key Reef species as potential art subjects.
A video showcasing the fluid movements and captivating presence of a fully grown Giant Pacific Octopus instantly captured my attention and fired my imagination.
Since then octopuses have gradually become beloved subjects.
I continue reviewing scientific articles and books about octopus, and expanding my visual library as much as possible in order to enrich my creations.
Blue Planet
The vast majority of life on our planet resides below the surface; 94% of all living species on Earth are aquatic. Within this vast array of life, octopuses constitute an incredibly unique group consisting of over 300+ species. Many of them yet to be fully described and researched.
What we do know is that Octopus are highly intelligent, may experience dreams, have emotional states and the ability to perceive the emotional component of pain, are much more social than previously thought, exhibit play and tools use.
Depicting the intelligence, adaptability, and dexterity of the octopus through sculpture.